what do you think the shelf life really is on this stuff? I have access to some that is part of a "HumatroPEN" setup that you get from a Dr. and it has a vial of HGH and a vial of water n you mix it then you screw on little needle caps on the Pen device and inject SubQ...

I have access to some that is well within date and some that recently expired.. as in this year.. it is all still in powder form and still in the fridge... should be OK right??

Also, what are the general consensus on this product? works good? other products preferred? any extra info I should know? I haven't been on here in quite some time due to wife joining military, moving us around and I opened my own business and now just had our first baby... so it's been a hectic 2 years or so since I was last on here and I can't WAIT to get back in the gym and train!!