I've been doing this workout for a while now...8 months? And am not really impressed with strength and especially size gain. Please give your input and help me gain again! I'm usually one of those "I don't need help with a workout..." guys but fuk it, you guys are pros compared to my novice ass. Thanks

Week a 4x10 bp
Week b 1x10,1x8,1x6,1x4,1x2 then half the weight till failure. This week is slightly heavier than previous

Then the rest is the the same regardless of the week....
2x10 incline bp
2x10 decline bp
2x15 flat db flues

5x5 squats
2x10 leg press
2x10 sldl
Calf raises till I can't walk. Basically

3x8 bent over rows
2x10 cable rows
3x10 lat pulls
2x10 delt flues
3x3 dead lifts

Standing bb press 5x5
Seated press 2x10
60 degree seated press 2x10. With palms facing in
Front db raise 3x10
Shrugs 5x15....bb usually
1 set of dips to failure

Anyway that's it. Usually a day of rest in between. No card. Abs once in a blue moon but am working on getting them in once a week at least. Don't really do any arms either cuz im usually decently gassed from the workouts and can't do much more ex. Back+bis.....

Oh and I almost forgot

On 2nd cycle now. 3weeks in prop and npp
Been training say 3 years give or take.
Bout 13-14% maybe 15. Year ago before gear I was 190lbs at 11% but like the size better than abs. Like I mentioned i do zero card
Diet is 90% clean with the other 10% being junk like burgers and the odd blizzard or whatever to break the monotony of chicken and brown rice. Eating about 4-4.5 thousand cals per day.

Thanks in advance