I am looking for more information on 1-test. I am going to be purchaseing some sometime soon and still have been unable to find all that much info on it. Ive really only seen a few logs on it. The ones I have read they either ran it while cruising, ran it at a very low dose, or for a very short time. I havent really been able to fully eveauate what this drug can do. I have big expectations, as Masteron gave me phenominal results at 700 a week while cutting, and I expect this to be more anabolic and better at hardening/strengthening.

What dose did you run it at?
What were your results?
Is the pain from it really that bad?
What was the mg/ml of your brew? Did it use gso, EO or some mix?

Just so you all know, in case you havent seen me around, I am 30 years old, have multiple cycles under my belt with aas including winstrol, tren, decca, npp, eq, primo (for a short time, it was too painfull) anavar, test.

I am looking to have a very lean bulking cycle. I do what many would consider to be an outragious amount of cardio, but my goals lie first with combat sports and a distant second with bodybuilding. I plan to use a medium to medium high amount of test prop along with the 1-test. I may be convinced to run NPP as well, as i know many guys do extremely well with Test, a DHT (in this case a DHB) and a 19-nor.

Npp always makes me bloat quite a bit, so thats still up in the air. I think I will run the 1-test cypionate at 700 a week, double dosing the first week.