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Thread: Chinese HGH concerns

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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by mighty1 View Post
    no marcus, you lie yet once again, i was banned at OLM because one specific DRUNK CORRUPT MOD decided i was not tellin the truth about being a PRO based on ip reading : ) thinking i would be dumb enough to have my real name on ip...thinking he knows the ppl behind ips...and wanted pics of me, THAT IS THE REASON, i have the highest reputation among all board members along the years since 1997, you again fail at proving your point.
    BTW, i was already asked couple times to get back on that board and REFUSED. that board is dead for me because it was corrupt, anabolicreview on the other hand, was not known for corruption, until i heard your BS, then again as i said before and this goes to the next post under yours, do what you want, i never once tried to push china gh, i just stated MY EXPERIENCE.

    you are now risking this board from going same way OLM went, notice what happened when i left OLM, it started ....falling apart, few mods and vets left after me, in more than one way and more than one reason, the only reason it holds is because nordic wants it to and i like nordic so im fine with it, thats why i keep my mouth shut because i respect him. i could easily get back there by talking to nordic, i wont do it, i dont need that board, have plenty of others.

    get your facts straight genious.

    mighty, mighty, mighty....That drunk Mod at OLM you refer to is really not a bad guy. Is he is a drunk? Yes, but he's a funny one and a good friend. The fact of the matter is MANY people called you out to produce pics, or something verifying your BBing claims, not just the drunk Mod in question. You have made some rather outrageous claims about yourself, many times, even going so far as to say you competed on stage with Jay and Ronnie and that you are or were one of the top 3 BBers in the world. That's a fairly bold statement. Was your ban justified? Who knows? People get banned from OLM for all sorts of nonsense. I would know since I "was" a Mod there and witnessed firsthand the source protection and BS (one of my many reasons for stepping down).

    When did you become such good friends with Pep aka Nordic who claims his ND Blues are superior to all other Blue Tops yet they're produced in the same factory where countless others get their blue tops? Is it the "ND" sticker that makes Nordic's Blue Tops so special? Also, didn't Nordic once ban you as a customer? You do seem to go out of way to bump and praise Nordic every chance you get so I can certainly see why people would think you have an agenda. Is this your way of getting back in his good gracious? btw, Nordic really doesn't care. The guy has an ego the size of China so kissing his ass won't really benefit you that much.

    I personally have no problem with you. I do however have a very hard time believing your claims, especially since you've NEVER backed up any of them up. That said I think you're an alright guy. Marcus makes some valid points. If I had the option between Serostim or Chinese generics I'll go with Serostim all day long but I'm unwilling to "pay up" for them. I personally use generics because I think HGH in general is over-rated AND waaaay overpriced but jmho, so the cheaper the better. I've used pharma grade HGH and generics and didn't really notice that big of a difference between the two but again, I think GH is over-rated for the recreational user unless you're taking it with slin and IGF-1.
    Last edited by Juice Authority; 12-29-2010 at 03:26 PM.

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