just like everything in life what you dont want ya get and what you really want you really have to work for.

you named it ive tried it. except aas. i will admit that my legs need more work. so im starting to do more squats and dead lifts as well. will this put mass on my arms? im tired of it. really am frustrated. i can curl 145 10 f*cking times do
30 reverse grip pull ups with weights yada yada yada. maybe its my diet i dont know. my metabolism is so fast it sucks. just need some tips. something to get me out of this slump. i know my genetics suck but god damn my arms are trash.
its pretty much the entire reason im going to start aas. so once i jump on what works well for you on arms day. or back and bis day. how many sets reps? rest periods? well thanks for reading