hey guys, i'm putting my girlfriend on a cycle of clen, var, and hctz this week. her stats are 5'7" 125lb bf% ? (she has abs and is pretty vascular in her arms, also fake tits if anyone cares lol).. i train her 4 days a week and she does cardio 6 days a week. she is trying to get more cut up for her fitness modeling career. her diet is spot on (she learned from the best, obviously) she has a photoshoot in two months, so i was going to have her run something like this:

week 1-8 anavar 10mg every day (split into 3-4 doses every day)
week 3-4, 7-8 clenbuterol up to 80mcg (pyramid starting at 20mcg)
week 7-8 hctz 12.5mg every day (1 dose)

is this advisable or is it overkill? she has taken winstrol from me before at 10mg everyday for 8 weeks and she has used clenbuterol varous times. should she run the hctz longer? or is two weeks enough to flush most of the water out? thanks