Why is it that we are so often led to accept the rhetoric pandered by those in the medical field, or even hiding beneath the guise of medical expertise, that leads us to hand over our wallets or accept sub-standard treatment?

"You can't put a price on your health."

No? Last time I looked at my credit card statement the price was VERY real.

Here is my simple advice:

If your clinic is unwilling to meet your requirements for therapy? Or if your clinic charges you bizarre consultation, setup, registration, or recurring testing fees? Or if your clinic won't provide you with a medication list? Or price lists for that medication?


The truth is that they are MORE than willing to fight over your HIGHLY lucrative business. They rake in enormous profits via the VOLUME of pharmaceutical sales. Any other charges, no matter the name, are a commission going into the salesman's pocket. As crappy as it sounds, even the prices themselves can fluctuate. They will take you for as much as they can.

This is the sad reality of the situation my friends. I wish it were otherwise.

However, you sure as HELL do NOT have to sit there and take it. This business is CUSTOMER DRIVEN. Use this to your advantage!!! Be DISCERNING in your pursuit of therapy!

Start by shopping around. Request contact from as many clinics as you can dig up. Make it clear that you are interested in TRT therapy (or that you are interested in TRANSFERRING to their clinic, if that is the case).

Be BOLD. Request a list of their commonly prescribed medication. Request prices. THEY DON'T HAVE ANY REASON TO WITHHOLD THIS INFORMATION UNLESS THEY ARE TRYING TO SCAM YOU.

If you get "well it all depends on what the doctor prescribes you," then make it clear that you are unwilling to proceed without some indication of the costs you can expect.

Make it clear that the primary factor in your decision for choosing a clinic is the willingness of the clinic to meet your demands for therapy, followed closely by the prices of said therapy.


"One of your competitors agreed that a 400mg/week dose of testosterone would provide me the the treatment I require. If you are unwilling to meet this level of treatment then I will have to pursue therapy with them instead."


"I have found that I also respond positively to an additional dosage of 50mg/day of oxandrolone. Would your physician be willing to prescribe this level of therapy, and if so, what would I expect to pay?"


You can find ALL the following:

Flexible, patient directed therapy (Test, Deca, Anavar, Winstrol, Nolvadex, Clomid, Armidex, etc, etc, etc - in dosages YOU think will help you).

No setup fees. No consultation fees. Reasonable shipping costs.

Pricing information for everything, up front.

No high pressure sales tactics. No requirements to take expensive vitamins or other nonsense.

So if you are unhappy with your current therapy, whatever the reason, THEN GO FIND SOMETHING BETTER! Because these guys are out there, and they will make your transfer as simple and painless as possible!


FIRST: Ask around. Maybe you don't know how to do a google search. Maybe you don't know what a telephone book is. Well just about EVERYONE on this forum is here because they want to SHARE information related to their AAS use. People come here to learn, to teach, and to talk. Find someone who seems happy with their therapy. Send them a message. Be friendly. Be honest. Explain your situation. Begin a dialogue. See if they might recommend a clinic for you.

SECOND: This one is important. MIND YOUR LANGUAGE. Nobody wants their TRT clinic to face any trouble because of the appearance of impropriety on the part of an ignorant patient. We are receiving THERAPY here friends. Treat it with the respect it deserves. This doesn't mean you can't be smart, diligent, and discerning in your pursuit of a good clinic, but don't use language that implies improper business practices or any sort of illegality. That has no place in TRT therapy. If you phrase your requests, expectations, and interests in a thoughtful, considerate manner it will make EVERYONE more willing to deal with you, from your fellow forum members on up to clinic personnel.

Now get out there and find a clinic!