in into my pct after first cycle and seem to possible have slight gyno under both nips, not visible or painfull and i dont have itchy nips what so ever so it may not be could be my glands behind that are possibly swollen, altho i can feel a lump behind.
im into pct was running
clomid 100/100/50/50
nolvadex 40/40/20/20
i was just a week in and felt slight lumps behind my nips, now i have had many mixed opinions on what to do. i listened to an older freind who knows his stuff and he said to keep running the clomid drop the nolvadex and replace it with 1mg arimidex e.d i have been doing that the last 3 days and the lumps are the same if not slightly bigger, so i plan to keep an eye on it the next few days and if it gets worse il get some letro. i have posted a thread up before and people say to keep running the nolvadex, but i hear nolvadex shouldnt be run with arimidex, what shall i do.
1: keep running 50mg clomid & 1mg arimidex
2: keep running 50mg clomid & 40mg nolvadex & 1mg arimidex
3: or get some letro and try and get completely rid of it
does it sound like gyno if it doesnt hurt,not visible,or no itchy nips ???