I'm currently on a clean bulk, trying to gain muscle while maintaining my bf% or possibly decreasing it a little. Either way, the bf% is not what I'm concerned with. What I'm concerned with is whether or not I should do cardio after my lift sessions along with my individual cardio days or should I simply just take the cardio during lift days out?

My weekly workout schedule:

Monday=Chest/Triceps/20 Min Jog
Tuesday=Morning and Afternoon Cardio (20 Min Jog at fat burning heart rate)
Wednesday=Biceps/Back/20 Min Jog
Thursday=Morning and Afternoon Cardio (20 Min Jog at fat burning heart rate)
Friday=Legs/Shoulders/20 Min Jog
Saturday=Optional Cardio Day

Here's what I'm thinking of doing:

Tuesday= Cardio (20 Min HIIT)
Thursday=Cardio (20 Min HIIT)
Saturday=Optional Cardio Day

What do you guys think? What would you guys do? I'm open to any suggestions.