SO I have been off cycle since De***ber 1 and have felt like shit ever since also a non-existent libido, fatigue, painful nipples, headaches etc.. Last week I decided to go see what my Free Test level was, and yesterday got the results.
My results 12pg/ml (Normal range according to the test 9pg/ml-47pg/ml) ELISA Test Method Is this correct???
The doctor told me that I was within range, and when I stressed I wanted to be at optimal levels vs. the low end he said start yoga classes. I told him to stick the yoga up his azz, and I didnt appreciate waiting 2 hours for no help or other solutions from a so called professional.
SO today I am going to go see another DR. that can hopefully show me some light at the end of this 4 month long tunnel, or I am immedietly going to my nearest gym to purchase some Test and saying the hell with "Professional Doctors".
Some of you may say why not go to the gym and get the test in the first place, well I am trying to do the right thing by getting test ran so that a medical professional can keep me on the right track.