2 weeks into a test e (250mg 2x)/dbol (25mg p.d.) cycle and have now taken arimidex twice (.25mg eod) and noticing clear sides from its use so posting for reference.

wasn't having any sides from the cycle, began with arimidex solely due to an AI on cycle seems to be the prevailing course of action here.
should note that aromasin was not available at my pharmacy, i live on a small island so this isn't unusual, she says it will be here september but if you've ever been to thailand you know that september doesn't necessarily mean this year.

anyway, within 24 hours of second dose of arimidex at .25mg eod have certainly noticed several complaints that can only be attributed to its use. it has almost completely "dried" me out. arthritic symptoms, knee and shoulder joints popping and painful, general malaise etc.

i always take 1tbsp of liquid fish oil every day (1 teaspoon recommended dose) in addition to 2 tablespoons of coconut oil split up throughout the day and consume more than a gallon of water every day.

as i wasn't having any sides or complications from test e/dbol, i won't be taking arimidex today to see if and how quickly these are resolved without arimidex in my system. if necessary, i'll resume at a frequency of every third day instead of every other day and see what happens.