Hello all

I`ve been back and forth from 4 different endo`s and now have seen the so called "specialist" a professor that everyone assures me is the best in this field.

As no one else seams to be able to diagnose or treat me properly for my issues, I have tried a single dose of nebido but was taken off it because of fertile issues, I didnt benefit in any way whilst on nebido.

I have never taken steriods before (had a single winstrol tablet and a couple of epherdrine tablets over 10 years ago but i wouldn`t of thought they would count) and I have a 5 year old son.

The doctor says my biochemical profile gives an unclear picture, he said the obvious cause would be steriods, but as I have never taken more than 3 tablets over 10 years ago I very much dowt this is the case, and my test was fine in 2009 so it futher proves this.

Anyway my results are :

FSH 5.3 iu/L
LH 1.6 iu/L
TSH 0.90 mu/L
Cortisol 244 nmol/L
Free T4 17.1 pmol/L
Oestradiol <50 pmol/L
SHBG 31 nmol/L
Testosterone 9.2 nmol/L
Total chol / HDL ration 5.82
IFCC 33 mmol/mol

Can anybody translate this into something i can understand?
