Im leaning very heavily towards a test/fina cycle for round two. I might through i some EQ or Deca at the first part but not to sure. Heres what im thinking.
week 1-15 500mg Test enth wk
week 5-15 100mg Fina ed

But then last night i got to thinking about a thread i read the other day about low doses over a long period being better for solid LBM gains. I cant remember who posted it, but i remember it refering back to how the "old school" bber's doses their cycles. So i got this idea of running the cycle like this:

week 1-20 250mg test wk (ormybe 325mg?)
week 10-20 75mg fina ed (damn thats alot of injections)
week 1-25 250mg test wk
week 10-25 75mg fina ed

Here are my stats: 21 yrsold, 6'0'', 195 pounds, 2nd cycle. My 1st cycle looked lie this:
wk 1-10 500mg sust
wk 1-7 400mg deca- (severly undefilled)
wk 5-10 75mg fina ed
I really liked the fina and felt like i reacted pretty well to it, so i dont think there will be a problem if i run it at a long period. (I think bathgate has ran fina for a very long period, and he sid he liked it.)

Now i know for a 2nd cycle yall will probably say its way to long, and the 25 week one might be way to extreme?...but with only to substances at very low doses, how is it any worse than a 10 wk, high dosed d-bol, test, deca, winny cycle? I may be wrong... or maybe i have a good idea, i just need to hear everyones thoughts.