I'm a 52 year old male. In pretty good shape, have always tried to stay there. 6'1 180 lbs. My goal is to put on 10-15 lbs of muscle esp. in the legs, and hopefully maintain it for a few years. For the work-out I plan to do only push-ups and sit-ups w/ bicycling, running and punching a heavy bag. I live on a small Hawaiian island and there is no real gym here to work out in. For diet: a lot of red meat, raw Ahi (yellowfin tuna) pasta and fruit. Any advice or comment is greatly appreciated. I posted my pic to give a better idea for advice.
Here's the cycle I'm considering:
Weeks 1-10: 500mg Testosterone Enanthate per week (2x 250mg)
Weeks 1-12: 25mg Aromasin EOD
Weeks 4-12: 500iu's of HCG per week (2x 250iu's)
Week 13-14: 40mg Nolvadex per day
Week 15-16: 20mg Nolva per day