Looking for some insight as to what I might be lacking - stabilizers or otherwise - which would result in this problem. Let me explain:
I am having a terrible time lifting the weight off the rests on decline bench press. I did a few warmup sets, etc. no problem. My working set was 255lbs. I lifted the weight off the rests (remember the angel now... the bar is tilted 'back' sort of behind me) but could not for the life of me bring it forward to the starting position. 3 times I tried, and failed. It felt like a combo of weakness/pain in my elbow joints as well as the 'inside elbow' ligaments/tendons. I don't believe it's a strength issue with pecs as after my 3rd attempt, I asked somebody to assist me with unracking it and was able to get 12 clean reps with no spot. What do you think? Does anybody else have a problem with this? Most people I know say decline bench is their strongest (as opposed to flat/incline), but i'm definitely stronger on flat and I think it may have to do with the effort I exert in trying to get the fckin weight off the rests and into proper starting position!!!