Hello, I want to start a cycle and infact I'll be getting it soon, I'm getting 150 tablets of 10mg Anavs. I want to test it to see how it is and then if everything goes well do a few more cycles.

I just wante to know a few things before putting this stuff in my body.

~I just turned 18
~I've been working out for around 2years.
~5,3ish in height / 140lbs around. (Really really low body fat %, 6-10ish%)
~Use to have SEVERE asthma, seems to be better now. Haven't had any issues with it recently besides needing to take the inhaler sometimes when I do excessive running/effort that makes me lose breath.

I know most side effects it CAN cause, I'm already just as tall as my sister/parents and growing isn't an issue because I doubt I'll grow further more thent his. I guess I just want to know how much I should take and when. Also I kinda get worried when it comes to drgs and stuff, Like will I feel anything a bit after taking it? Within the days? Will my heart/etc react within just 1 cycle?

1)How much and when should I take it?

2)Could simply doing such a small cycle be dangerous/deadly?

3)I take lean-protein(+waxymaze),creatine,BCAA,Glutamine also. Should I keep taking supplements while testing a cycle?