Ive put on muscle and have retained water since my ist inject Nov.11. Ive started at 250mg testosterone enanthate and have moved to 500mg, so 2 of each at that does. My weight has gone from 193 to 202lbs and I'm benching 50lbs over my 6 month max. I have been stuck. My body is changing for the much bigger better. My shoulders are clearly wider, my chest is both more defined and harder. My back is also beefier and tapering nicely. My legs are thicker and much stronger. I leg pressed 7 plates plus 2, 35's for 8 reps during a leg session 3 days ago. Thats the good stuff and improves every 2-3 days. The shitty part is my handsome face my gf loves has bloated up badly. My bod rocks! My face looks fat. [I] have kept my salt really low. Im 52 and this is my first cycle