Hi dear friends,

As you guys helped me even with my silly problems now this time I need a serious help.

My girly got Clen and she is going to be on clen cycle (can't believe as I haven't touched my cycle yet) but she came up with below cycle for fat lose (she wanna lose some extra pound which she is trying to lose by exercising and cardio and strict diet but not happening, she is a regular gym person for years probably 10 years now, she put on weight during the last pregnancy about 5 to 6 KGs, it has been an year she was trying to lose it but on weight scall it's alway 5+ where you can't see that 5kg when u look at her but she decided to go on clen)

Day 1 - 20mcg
Day 2 - 40mcg
Day 3 - 40mcg
Day 4 - 60mcg
Day 5 - 60mcg
Day 6 - 80mcg (if side effects r bad then stay on 60mcg)
Day 7- off
Day 8 - 80mcg if side effects r bad then stay on 60mcg)
Day 9 - 60mcg
Day 10 - 60mcg
Day 11 - 40mcg
Day 12 - 40mcg
Day 13 - 20mcg
Day 14 - 20mcg

2 weeks off and 2 weeks on for 8 weeks

She is also using taurine 5g everyday