Thanks for the great write up regarding progesterone, prolactin, estrogen, and the prevention of gyno (with citations, no less!). My perspective is that you have a strong academic background in medicine, along with a good number of cycles using Tren under your belt so you know what you like and you know what is going on "under the hood" to a greater extent than most of us. I certainly appreciate your sharing this perspective with me, and the greater community of athletes interested in making smart, effective choices to reach their athletic goals. I do have a few additional questions however.

Tren is noted as being strongly androgenic, with an effect that resembles DHT. There is discussion of how to prevent male pattern baldness (if you are prone), but I didn't notice any discussion of effect on the prostate. Perhaps I missed something, but can you comment on this?

I also noticed that in other articles, depressed T3 levels have been associated with an increase in prolactin. I recall that you mentioned running T3 along with a Tren cycle, but the comments were only about body fat levels rather than preventing a climb in prolactin levels. Do you feel that this might be another good way to prevent prolactin levels rising? If I could simply take T3/B6 and save the caber for if I get a tingle, well that seems like it might be a route to consider.

It was mentioned in a conversation with a doctor earlier on in this thread that Tren can cause harm to one of the heart valves (I don't recall the name). That certainly gives me pause...can you comment on that in more detail?

It seems like the undesirable effects show up either with increased doseage, or increased duration. How do you feel about increased duration with slightly decreased doseage?

If estrogen is kept low, is there a reason not to run more test with the Tren, to avoid the sides such as sweats, insomnia, and so on?

If you wanted a 12 week cycle, and Tren was included for at least part (if not all) of the cycle, how would you design it?