I have found a new doctor because I found this site after I started TRT and didn't realize how complex this treatment was until much too late!

My old Doctor never checked me to see why my T might be low just slung this crazy protocol at me and said see you next month.

200mg cyp every week
250iu HCG daily
1mg Letro Eod

So needless to say after the 4th injection i was going crazy! So he switched me to this W/O BW!

150 mg cyp every 6 days
20iu HCG daily
1mg adex eod

Now a week later I'm starting to level out. He has never explained to me why he started me on the original doses or why he thinks the new ones are any better. I keep asking him to explain, he keeps saying. I'm the doctor trust me , trust me and pushes me out for blood work. I did get him to run a sensitive estrogen panel but he would not check my prolactin. He said it was useless.

Before i go any further could someone maybe try to help me understand his original and current protocol?

So after that i chose to find a new doctor who is A4M certified.
Is there any way that my new doctor could find out why my T was low without taking me off of trt ? When I talk to this new doctor is there any specific questions or advice some of you vets might have to offer on the specifics of my treatment that i should ask or address before i make the switch?