Hello everyone, I'm a new guy. I've been reading and researching Sub-q and as many before have mentioned. There isn't much info out there on sub-q T so I thought since I need more info on sub q, perhaps it's time I share what I've learned through the Ginny Pig protocol.

I've been on TRT for about 1.5 years and truthfully it's not been that great. I get my labs done regularly and E-2 has always been in line, about 22. Also, TT and FT good always near top of the range on day 7, the end of my weekly cycle. I was injecting IM 200mg CYP .5 weekly now I've decided to go Sub-q after seeing Dr. Crisler video.

Presently, it's been 16 days on sub-q and here's what I've observed.
I decided that I would change from IM 200mg CYP .5 weekly, to Sub-Q 100mg CYP .5 E3D. After the first sub-q, things were ok, after the second not so much and so on. The point is I believe that since sub-q T Inj is a slower release into the system, and if you’re going to switch to sub-q T then I suspect you’re going to bottom out during the "transition" period as I have.

After about 5 Inj sub-q, E3D which is a little over 2 weeks I was experiencing very low libido, about zero erections, and a fair amount of depression. So being the head Ginny, in the Ginny Pig Protocol, I instructed myself to adjust the protocol to 100mg .5 EOD.
I have no way to be sure but I think, at least for me there seems to be a "loading" period. In fact, there was a member here that shared a similar drop after his 2 weeks of subq. Eventually I suspect I will be able to adjust to every E3d or low mg's etc.

Also, I'm using a 29G .5 insulin pin, some bruising but if you heat the T it is greatly reduced, careful not to hot or you'll get a real "hot" shot.
Please feel free to comment, and I also hope this helps someone to get a little closer to where we're all trying to get.

I'm grateful for any and all guidance you can offer, and will continue to post my progress and lack thereof, and thanks for the helpful input!!