Well I think I have officially given up on people as a whole. Since when is it ok to be fat, and make fun of people who aren't? The more I look around in everyday life its like im a minority, im the weird one because im not fat. This country is literally eating themselves to death. Now usually in day to day life i just fly off the handle and tell someone that they can say what they want because i look better than them anyways. Now i rarely judge people on their weight because i have been there myself, until they start making fun of me for being fit.
So I went on a trip yesterday to cedar point with a group of people from my church, about 20 of us total. There was a group of around 8-10 of us walking around together all day, and one of the girl was getting a piece of gum out of her purse. So naturally she asked if anyone else wanted one. I said no because i had literally just thrown my gum out less than a minute before, and this girl that is about 30-40 pounds over weight says " ooh is that too many calories for you?" I just laughed it off and thought to myself that she was lucky this was a church outing or i would have let her have it.
and its not like Im super huge or super cut im 5'8" 170 pounds and 10-11% bf i go to get a bod pod next week. hopefully im down from the 12% 6 weeks ago
So do you guys have any stories like this where you want to just tell them to f off and stop being lazy and jealous?