I'm curious if anybody has found that TRT improved these symptoms for them.

I was on TRT, and got sick of trying to control E2, as it felt like I was on a rollercoaster, and could never find a dose that worked well. I had a lot of anxiety, and some depression, so my Dr prescribed an SSRI, and also I ended up going off TRT by using clomid. I felt great, with no depression or anxiety for a good stretch, and ended up stopping the clomid in September.

All of a sudden, mid November the anxiety started coming back again, followed by some depression. I got my bloodwork done, and test is 350ng/dl, and E2 is <70 (ref range <150). Free test is under the normal range. Doc wants to get my Test back up again.

I'm hesitant to get back on TRT. Curious if other people have relieved depression and/or anxiety from TRT, as maybe it's possible the drop in test levels post clomid are the reason for re-occuring anxiety?
