Hey guys,

So im 6 weeks in to a 500 mg a week test e cycle. Running 75 mg of proviron daily and .5 adex eod. Started hcg at 300 iu eod 2 weeks ago. Lately i stopped the proviron because of hair loss sides and im experiencing weak erections, low sex drive and penis insensitivity. Had blood drawn last week and here are the results. Need some help interpreting them. Note that i also had dht, total test and shgb done but they wont come back for another 3 days. What i have so far:

E2-16.4 pg/ml Ref: 13-58
FSH .1 U/L Ref: .7-11.1
Free T 26 Pg/ml Ref 3.85-34
LH .15 U/L Ref 2-12.4
Prolactin 11.2 ng/ml Ref Up to 20

Is that E2 considered low?

Thanks in advance