let me start off by saying i am just seeking good advice, not looking for anyone to bash on me. I'm 5'10, 150 lbs, 16, and a boxer.

I use to workout 6 days a week. Every day my workouts were extremely vigorous. After 2 months of doing this it became considerably noticeable to me that I'm feeling more and more fatigued as the days go on. I was also very sore, every single day, and yet I would still push my body to the max day after day.

I knew I had been over training, to the extreme. So I decided to workout once every 2 days, to let my body catch up and recover. After 2 weeks of doing this, I became VERY depressed.

I became depressed because I want to be able to workout everyday, because it's what I LOVE to do. When I say love, I really mean it. The same type of love you have for a family member is the type of love I have for working out. I spend my rest days thinking about the next day because I get to workout. It's how I escape and go into my own little world.

I feel as if the over training and soreness is holding me back, not letting me do what I love to do.

So I turned to steroids. I started to research a lot of them for about a month and a half. One thing I never liked was having to use a needle. Reason being, is because I became scarred for life after seeing all the damn needles my mom had inside her body when I was younger. (She had cancer and died when I was 10).

Another thing I don't like is all the complications and factors to consider before even starting steroids.

I eventually came across sarms1. I found GW-501516 and it sounds like everything I would ever ask for. Increased endurance for my workouts, and recovery enhancement.

I should also mention when I box, I spar once a week at the very least, and all of my sparring partners are at least 15 lbs heavier than me and 25+ years old. I feel like I get beat up every time I face them.

So basically at this point I am really considering starting to take gw. I know taking any AAS at my age would be suicide, so I'm trying to stay away from that direction. Are there any scientific studies showing a difference between taking gw at a lower age than higher?

I need advice. I'm tired of over training and soreness holding me back.