Hey friends
I'm new to the group and this is my first post, I was hoping you guys could help me out. I just turned 22, 5'10 and weigh 195lbs and I completed 1 cycle designed by a trainer. The cycle consisted of Tren injections , Test injections and t3 pills. I did everything clean and was very careful. (Sorry I don't have the exact amount numbers, I deleted the plan off my phone awhile ago but it was all in normal range nothing crazy). Then when I was done the cycle I waited a whole month Before then finally taking my post cycle (yes I know your not suppose to wait that long to take your post cycle now) the post cycle was of anastrozole (1mg) which I took 1 every second day and clomifene citrate capsules (50mg) with I took 3 week 1, 2 week 2, the 1 for the remainder of the post cycle. After coming off the cycle and before I got on the post cycle I experienced really bad acne on my arm back neck and chest but that was really the only side effect and now after doing the post cycle, mostly all my acne has gone away and is getting better every day. I didn't have any other side effect til this day. I was just wondering if I was ok since I'm off the gear ? Because one of my friends took basically the same thing as me and is losing his hair badly, my hair is completely fine tho. Basically what I'm asking is if I did the cycle and the whole post cycle and have no experienced any sides except the acne til
This day will I be ok if I never touch steroids again ? Cause I'm always concerned all start losing my hair , get man boobs Ect, cause I did a cycle. Thanks for all of your time much appreciated