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Thread: New to this want to lose weight...

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    New to this want to lose weight...

    I have purchased some clenbuterol, 50 50Mg, and Masteron 10ml and 10ml of test propitionate. I am looking for a boost been working out for a couple years now without anything, but over the counter things. I am not sure how to do this. I bought Masteron because I read it will help while cutting with low side effects, clen to help fat loss and the test I don't know it was cheap and I might just sell it, but I heard it can be used in any cycle almost. I don't want any real boosts, just a bit of an edge, lower I think than recommended doses was thinking of Masteron 300 wkly, clen 75 to 100 a day and maybe a very small amount of test just to keep levels normal or a bit of a boost. I don't want to get into blood work, or arimidex, and nolvadex and all that if I can avoid it, just want slow gains, and a boost on fat loss....Was considering winstrol too, I don't want to end up with dry joints either, I am 44, have a good strength base.....Was once pressing 300 running etc, lost it all....Been trying to get it back now for a couple years with slow gains. Blood pressure and cholesterol are not an issue but I do weigh in at 290lbs, 5'11" fair bit of muscle now, leg press 800lbs fairly well, 250 bench....not bad cardio, but still too much fat...coming from 210 pressing 300lbs running half marathons in University, to 335 no muscle energy, herniated, real bad, at it a couple years now...Daily gymer again.

    Just want to get a edge using what I have nothing serious, fat loss a bit of mass and strength, I hit the gym daily 2-3 hours average, no screwing around but this is new ground if someone with knowledge could help. Also I am a person who has low body hair, on the fair side I guess, do fear gyno and water retention has always been an issue with me, gain lose weight fast and sweat crazy....
    Last edited by shmills; 04-10-2015 at 03:09 PM. Reason: more info

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