Hello I'm new here.

I was wondering if anyone could give recommendations of what I should take for my first cycle and the reasons.

My current state:
Age: 27
Height: 5'9
Weight: 195
BF%: 25%

I want to build lean muscle mass while losing weight like everybody. But the main focus and the biggest reason why I am considering steroids is to help build muscle around my shoulder quick! I started working out again after a year of little activity this year. So I've been hitting the gym consistently for the past 4 months.

I've done some research and I feel like Deca Durabolin may be the best idea for me as it helps with water retention as well as building lean mass quickly. Do you recommend stacking?

If you recommend that I do not take anything and keep working out to lower my BF, I will take that into consideration.

Please advise.
Thank you.