Hello, haven't started cycle yet, still waiting till the new year starts just because of hectic times this time of year. I'll do it next year (typical new years resolution-er haha)Anyway...
Current stats
Age: 25
Height: 185cm / 6'1"
Weight: 95kg / 208lbs
Bodyfat: 17%ish, Gonna cut a few % off before cycle. I burn fat like crazy...yay ectomorph
Training Exp: 4 years (2 years with a world class athlete that competed strongman comp).
I am keeping it pretty basic since it's the first cycle. After tons of reading for a couple months I pieced together what I thought was "best" However, I am open to adjustments and feedback.
Week 1-12: Test E - 500mg 2x pin a week.
Week 1-14: HCG - 500IU 2x pin a week (same day as test) ~ on week 14 only pin once.
Week 1-14: Arimidex (liquidex) .25mg EOD. AI stops 1 day before PCT.
Week 14.5-18 (I say week 14.5 because that's the end of week 14. I will start PCT 14 days after my last Test shot.)
Clomid 50/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20
HCG ends 4 days prior to PCT
AI ends 1 days prior to PCT
PCT is 14 days after last test pin
I will have everything on hand before I start... Absolutely do not want to start anything without having everything from the get go.
Blood test 2 weeks prior to cycle. Then 7 weeks in, 2 weeks into PCT
I think I covered everything here...