Hello all, it's been a while...

Big cycle I know, but I need big results. I've been in and out of jail and mental hospitals for the past 2.5 years. I'm now free of that shit. I've experienced all the compounds except anavar. This is a cutting/bulking cycle, with these compounds and 6-7 meals a day, i'll be able to reach my goals. The avatar I have was me before I lost all my gains and had prolactin problems. Anyways my hormones are fine now. I'll have cabergoline and aromasin/or aramadex on hand. I'm going to be cruising when my cycle finishes.

I'll be training 6 days a week, 1 rest day, 1 cheat meal. I'll also be carb cycling a little bit.

These are my current pictures...it's good to laugh

I'll be updating this thread once I get my gear and start injecting