Hello gents. First time poster. Looking for some insight and or help with my plan. Did my best due diligence and put together everything I was told I need. Would appreciate any info you might have for me so I can do this the right way!

203 lbs
Working out consistently again for 1.5yr
Train 6 days/wk hit every muscle twice per week
Eating a high protein 2k+ surplus daily
Take vitamins, l glutamine, did a few creatine "cycles"

Proposed first cycle is 10 weeks 500mg test e, want to keep it simple. Where I get messed up is with everything else, what, when, why, how much.

*2 things worthy of note:
-I am prescribed finasteride for mpb. 1mg daily
-my liver enzymes are about 3% higher than deemed "acceptable" when I got my recent bloods. It's been this way a while, doesn't seem to be changing. This is why I'm not adding any dbol or var in addition to the obvious me being a first timer

What I got:
20x packs 250mg/ml stealth juice test e
30 tabs clomid, 50mg each
20 tabs nolva, 20mg each
40 tabs anastrozol, 1mg each
1 amp of HCG, 5000iu 1ml
Liver support compound (milk thistle etc)

I also have 10 1ml vials of 100mg/ml test prop. Was told I might use this to "jump start" my E cycle. Not sure if that's a good idea? I understand long and short esters. Hm.

Missing anything? Do I need letrozol? I can get it if need be.

Overwhelmed by info. What to use during, after, incase of, etc.
Been told 500iu hcg weekly during, also heard to instead blast 1k iu hcg each day for 5 days before pct starts. Halp.
Thanks in advance guys, I hope some vets can take a minute to help me out with my redundant question. Cheers,