I am on my very first cycle. 250ml twice a week of Test Enanthate. I am on week 3 so I have had 5 injections, I am alternating my right and left glute. Assuming my gear is solid (it is) and assuming I am injecting properly (99% certain I am, although I know my hand could be steadier) at what point does the relatively severe PIP not happen after each injection? I know we are all different etc... My PIP lasts 4-6 days each time. It is sore enough that it wakes me up if I roll over on that part of my ass.
Also, if I am only injecting once/week on each glute...is that enough rotation time between injection sites or should I also be rotating to a 3rd and 4th site (right and left quad) Which would essentially give me 2 weeks between sites.
Thank you!