17 februar 2017
Injected 1000 mg TU from doc yesterday.
Two shots/2ml in each assball.
Slow but not 2 minutes. 40 secs each.
No pain. Easy.
Very mild sensation. Totally gone day after.
Feel nothing bad today. Placebo good feeling.
My test was 138. Guess my fully recovered natty level is in the high 300s.
But i dont know that.
But im sick of having low test beetween cycles.
I plan to do a check in week 5. Then ask doc for the booster at week 6.
Then do another check in 6 weeks. Around 16. april.
Then be left alone for a while cause i will do a 3 month cycle 1.may.
Then another check mid september i guess. Have to do the math on the test e halflives.
Ive red more blogs and it seems many guys are not so impressed as the vets in this forum
Many swear to sustanon/cypionate every 10th day instead or a kombi (aveed/gel/another test ester).
Yeah, for the record. Im 45 years. 20+ cycles. Pretty much ok health. Little low on hdl (0.9) and alat was borderhigh x 4 but iguess it was from dbol/tren. Ultrasound in 2 weeks.