This is my first cycle and I am going through a fellow gym member for the gear. By gear I mean Test Cyp Injection. He has me at 400 mg. I have done my homework, by no means am I an expert, but two things have been coming up as controversial: the HCG being unneccesary and harmful to future cycles and the Adex vs Aromasin ( with the idea in mind that once adex is done that estrogen will flood in compared to Aromasin just killing it). However, there are studies that show Aromasin being too powerful. All I want to do is be able to make a decision given I have the best possible schedule and pct so that I do not harm my body. SO here is my cycle, please give me any feedback so that I can give this guy an answer. I am 21 and weigh 178 lbs currently, goal is to gain musle and lose fat and I have a diet and routine to do so ( diet and workout made by professionals ).
Week 1-15
Test cyp, 400 mg
Monday 1 ml
Thursday 1 ml
ADEX m/w/f .2 ml
16-17 off of everything
nolva 20 mg
Clomid 60 mg
Hcg 500 iu every day for 10 days
Week 18
Nolva 20 mg
Clomid 45
Week 19
Nolva 15
Clomid 30
Week 20
Nolva 10
Clomid 15