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Thread: **Cycle Help** : Test-500mg/ml Blend & Tren Ace stack

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    Quote Originally Posted by iflexxdaily View Post
    GearHeaded thank you for being so patient and informative and dealing with my questions. Have you run this type of cycle to gain mass and what did you do or what would you do considering this Test Blend?
    happy to help brother.

    yes of course I've ran this type of cycle . I pinned AAS for the first time at age 17, I'm now 40 and have been on gear for the last 7 years straight. I've got every cycle you can think of under my belt I've got dozens of cycles I've designed for clients under by belt as well.. this is my full time job (coaching, training, and running my gym). There are times I may be running 12 different compounds at once. but theres a rhyme and a reason to it all, things are synergistically put together to work together. SO yeah just saying that, as a Tren and Test cycle is very elementary to me (but I'm here to help guys with even the most basic of cycles)

    cycles I've used myself or designed for clients to gain mass are generally much more complicated and advanced then just running two compounds like Test and Tren. of course if your just starting off and not advanced yet, then keeping it simple with just two compounds is absolutely fine.
    For most guys to grow and 'mass' while running Tren its going to require high dosage of Test to get more aromatization and more estrogen (to help with growth) and preferably stacked with a bulking compound like Dbol or Adrol. There are a few gifted guys that can run Tren solo and grow off of it , but most need other factors. Tren however is great for cutting, show prep, and getting dry and hard.

    as for the test 500 blend. thats generally best for guys that blast and cruise and who plan on blasting with high dosages of Test , 1 gram + . Otherwise you generally don't have much use for it for a standard cycle. BUT , being thats what you got, then it can sure it can be used. Like I said, I'd simply add 1/4cc to each Tren injection you do and thats it.

    As far as diet goes and maintaining that dry lean look -- thats going to depend on your macros, food timing, your insulin sensitivity, and how well you partition nutrients. I can go over all that with you if you want to post your proposed diet in the diet section.
    Last edited by GearHeaded; 03-04-2018 at 05:32 PM.

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