Adrol, A-bombs, Drol, A50, Anadrol -- however you want to call it, Anadrol is getting more popular as of late.

I'm not going to go over the entire drug profile and all its uses etc.. I'll just say its a very very good drug and has many uses when used properly and in context. I'm only going to point out one major major issue people are confusing with Anadrol.

Some people say that Anadrol does not aromatize (which is true) and they will tell people its therefore not an estrogenic drug.
Some people will say that Anadrol is a DHT derivative (which is true) and is like every other DHT and not estrgeonic.
Some popes will say that Anadrol has been used for years by bodybuilders for contest prep (which is true) and is thus probably not estrogenic.

ok,, public service announcement!! all the above to one degree is true, but the fact is Anadrol is estrogenic as f_ck.

so, yes its true Anadrol is NOT an aromatizing drug, meaning like test, dbol, etc.. it does not Aromatize and convert to estrogen. However it still raises estrogen significantly via other mechanisms of action (mainly its association with prolactin).
Yes, even though there is no Aromatization with Anadrol you still can get gyno and other E related side effects.

"ok, so fine , I'll take Anadrol and control my estrogen like I do with all my other cycles by using an AI (like aromasin or adex)."

really? take an AI ? well guess what genius, I just said that Anadrol does NOT aromatize and convert to estrogen, so what the hell you think an AI (Aromatase Inhibitor) is going to do for a drug that does not aromatize ? um nothing , take an AI and Adrol and you'll still get gyno. Estrogen will still continue to elevate no matter how much AI you take.

So whats the answer ? Public Service Announcement , when you run Anadrol you have to take a SERM like Nolvadex, and its also best to stack Anadrol with another compound like Masteron (which helps block estrogen and prolactin at the receptor site).

ok there you go guys.. for all you that were going to run an Anadrol cycle and run it like you would any other test or Dbol cycle, I just saved you 12K$ in gyno surgery and pain and suffering