Glad to hear your getting good rest (sleep is very underrated) and your previous injuries are feeling good. Hope you can get other life things in good line as well.
Years ago when I was running keto I too found doms to last extremely long. It was quite normal for me to be sore from squats 4-5 days after lifting. Interestingly enough though I also have noticed extended periods of doms when eating in a calorie deficit and not on keto. I genuinely believe that true keto (even modified keto/Atkins) is about as far as you can get from an ideal method to grow. Muscle building (with or without AAS) truly requires carbs. I just smh every time I see a YT pro or semipro bb guy exclaim keto is awesome. To believe the physique they currently have was attained with keto is beyond comical. While they may not straight up say I didn’t grow on keto they don’t explain the challenges of growing with it. Don’t get me wrong though keto can get you diced but actually grow I have reservations.
I know you are a coffee guy I would be interested to know if your coffee intake has changed much while on keto?
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