Went in to have a cyst removed from my back...had another one I thought was a hemorrhoid. Well found out yesterday they were carcinomas. As of now I have rectal cancer. Spent 3 hours with an oncologist yesterday.
Not sure why I’m telling you guys, just need to vent I guess. Feels a bit cathartic.
Have a PET scan next week, pelvic MRI and a colonoscopy. Praying it isn’t anywhere else, won’t know until after the PET scan.
45 fucking years old, eat clean as a whistle. Don’t smoke, rarely drink and no family history. I’m crushed.
8 weeks of radiation and chemo as it stands. Will know more after the PET scan.
Can’t bring myself to tell my kids yet.

I give two fucks about corona virus, least of my worries. My attitude on a lot of shit has changed in just 24 hours. I’m not sweating the small stuff anymore. Making sure I’m more patient and I’m gonna smile more.

Kiss your loved ones, call an old buddy you’ve been meaning to and embrace your health. Also make sure and do your god damn checkups.

Not sure how I’ll feel once treatments start, guess I won’t be starting that DHB cycle for a while now.
Fuck traveling for work for a bit.

Hope I’ll have it in me to get some semblance of a workout in. I’ll check in when I know more, and when I can. I get it’s an Internet forum, but fuck if I won’t share my story. Not gonna be another statistic. I got hit a god damn bus on a HD, ain’t going out like this. Not my ending.

Be strong, be kind. Appreciate the good ones.

My best to you all