Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
Actually, I am looking for some interpretation that I think the guys on here have.
I just had a ULTRASOUND of my thyroid. The speed that I was communicated of the results has me very concerned. They found a 3-4 cm lesión on my thyroid. I was notified within an hour of having the ultrasound accomplished and my Dr highly recommended that I see an endocrinologist. Any thoughts????
I have my own, but I don’t like them. LOL

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I can't offer much, Charger. My wife has thyroid issues and her ultrasound came back with images they had trouble reading. She was referred to and endo.
They did a second ultrasound and got clear imaging of a cyst. The endo did a FNA ( fine needle aspiration) and biopsied the sample. Her results were nonmalignant and that's where she's at now. She does take a healthy dose of Synthroid....225 mcg.

No idea if that's relevant to your situation.