I'm planning to start my 2nd Cycle in early June.
I've decided to go with Test E and Tren E as well as a bit of Dbol at each end.
I have most of what I need on hand, but have to wait for caber b/c I don't want to do Tren w/o it on hand.
I've decided to use E b/c I like the interval of injections....every 3 days. I know A clears out faster, but I don't want to switch after starting.
I plan to do about 300 Test and maybe 400 Tren /week. I'll do 2 injections to be sure I'm good and not having a bad reaction and then add the Dbol in for 2 weeks while the oils build up.
I'll run this for as long as I feel the gains are good, but probably 10 weeks at the most. I'll use Dbol again when coming down from the oils and then PCT as the oils and Dbol clear out.
With my 1st Cycle of just over 6 weeks my PCT was shorter and I recovered pretty quickly. I had to cut it short b/c I let myself gain too much "extra" weight.....I was feeling HEAVY.
I'm taking Finasteride now and I don't see that it will be an issue to continue it as normal.
I have a few weeks and this is where I ask for input from the collective b/c more info is always better.
When I get ready to start I'll post up the specifics I've decided on and my current stats for a "before" baseline.