Was gone for some time.. Again lol

Anyway not sure whats new, altough i see GH banned, how did that happen?

Whats our current take on Ai during cycle?

I was planning to do a bulking cycle next month

Now there are 2 options :

600 mg sustanon
40mg dbol

Or 500 sust
200 npp
200 masteron
40 dbo

For 14 to 16 weeks

I wanna put on some decent mass

Now regarding the ancillaries, on my last test e ans primo cyclr i was using nolva only 10mcg ed

People were going against Ai's at that moment

Has anything changed?

Im afraid my 1st option might spike prolactin issues, should i use ai with the 1st option, or just bump nolva up do 20mcg, will that make some progesterone issues?

Thx for the advice

Age 26
Trt for 5 years, nebido ev ry 9 weeks, will lower to 8
104kg 10% bf and going to single digits
192cm height
150kg bench
210 squat
250 deads