Good day,

Lining up my summer. Going to cut bf a little. Right now, 205 - 210#, 5'7", ~ 12% bf, 50 y/o. Trt. Blast (3 - 4mo) / cruise (2 -3). On cruise of 150mg TC/wk now. Labs upcoming next month. Just came off of 750 EQ, 600 TC (highest I've ran Test in a long time, I just don't like the sides from it, but it went okay), 100mg Mast for the last 8 weeks of cycle for a total of 4 months (I like EQ for 4 months if I'm running it). I run HGH when I can afford it, but the tingling/swelling in my hands drives me fucking nuts, so I stopped for a while. I'll run it this summer though. I've ran Tren twice in the past. Tren (and of course Test) makes my really fucking horny for w/e reason and the Mrs already has troubles keeping up, but we manage. Past doses were 100 and 150/week Tren with 300 & 500 TC respectively. I get the usual night sweats, amp'd up heart rate, but nothing terrible except I just don't sleep much, like 4 hours a night is good night with Tren for me. Tren has always given me my best results though, so hopeful it will come through this time too.

Upcoming Summer:
Tren E 300mg/wk (I usually pin every 3.5 days)
Test C 300mg/wk
Mast E 300mg/wk starting 5 weeks in, maybe earlier
HGH most likely.
Proviron? Will have some Caber on hand (I hope, seems hard to find lately for some reason) if needed.
Looking to get down to 9% bf, maybe a little less, but 9 is fine. I'd rather not go much below 190#. At my age I don't have a need to run around less than 9% bf unless it feels right. I have NPP if Tren gets out of line and I'll swap to it as an "oh fuck this" option. Was thinking maybe start at 200mg/week and up or down depending on how I feel. I usually front load to start.

Thoughts? ...