So I'm about to start my 2nd cycle after a 12 weeks (Test e/Dbol) first cycle that went a little bit all over the place because i started it on January 2020 and the pandemic happened on march.. Gyms closed and i missed a few last injections.. Had to stop training and i only did Nolvadex for pct.. Couldn't get clomid and Hcg.. So i almost lost all gains and had to start all over again..
Now i feel like I'm in a good place to start my 2nd cycle and do it right this time.. But I'm hesitating between the following cycles
12weeks Test e + Eq
12weeks sustanon+deca+dbol
Pct Nolvadex, clomid, hcg
I'm 175lbs obviously trying to gain size.. My bf isn't very low.. Kinda around 20%..
Read that eq can provide lean gains but maybe not as much as deca would do? My goal is size
I need your opinions guys
Here are a few pics of my current physique please let me know what you think