Hello all, I apologize I have not introduce myself in the other thread, but I am in need of some help. 25 y/o 5'4 157 lbs

I started my first 12 week cycle as such:

500 test e / week
.25 arimidex. eod

I am roughly 6 weeks in and a week ago I have puffy nipples, sensitivity, and very small lumps under both nipples.

I was out of town and only with dex on hand which i raised to .5 eod.

sensitivity decreased a bit although still puffiness so i decided to run nolvadex at 20 mg ed along side my usual .5 dex eod which i started 4 days ago.

When I take my nolva in the morning my nipples are completely normal, towards the evening after gym and settling down they begin to go puffy throughout the night which I found odd, my question is:

is this the correct protocol to try and treat any gyno have developed while on cycle/throughout remainder of cycle? Should I raise either ancillary? Perhaps switch to rolax? I have pre cycle bloods if needed and bloods scheduled 2 weeks from now..

Could use extra insight, really appreciate any help in advance.