Not sure if you guys know about this service but I just found it.

I went to a new TRT doc today and she ordered some base labs. I went to quest diagnostics and they wanted 1133.00 for the labs ( I have no insurance)

I did some digging and found Jason health.

I was able to select all the same labs the doctor ordered and even select which lab I went to.

My total was 211.00!!!!!!

Best part is that I can order the labs any time I want with no doctors order ( Jason health has their own doctor who writes the order)

This may be old news but to me it’s a game changer.

For 50 bucks I can get a test panel when ever I want no questions asked, no one to explain the results to.

I think this is huge for the private users out there. I remember years ago forgoing getting labs just so I didn’t get questioned about results. No more.

Hope this helps.

I placed the order on my phone in the parking lot of the lab and by the time I walked inside I had confirmation email and I was already in the system. No wait.