Have been on test for a few years now, cycle around 15 weeks at a time, always do a relatively decent PCT.

Literally the only side effect I have ever had is back acne, everything else I can control with diet & just your usual hygiene routines.

It’s not horrific, it will just be red bumps across the back and at worst top of shoulders, by no means is it sore, aggressive or irritating, I just don’t like it.

I’ve been to my doctor who gave me a cream, I literally laughed at what they prescribed, I got given a single 10g tube of cream, two issues with that

- 10g covered the area twice, so one day supply
- unfortunately I do not have the flexibility to reach my own back

What is there out there what people recommend?

I’m fine with Pharmaceutical or even shop brought products, ideally something I can apply myself, or orally take?

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