I am doing some research on the cycle T3/Test.
Which AAs ( in order to preserve muscle mass) can be used (instead of test E) with T3 for fat loss ?
I am looking for something very mild...
My goal is to reach 8% BF (currently 15-16% BF).
I ve read that some guys used anavar/primobolan but they told me on this forum that it is a shitty stack.
They often use clen but there is no scientific evidence that clen is anti-catabolic.
I don t feel comfortable with Test E. The side effects are really terrible... two of them are particularly alarming : prostate cancer and gyno. Never used AAS.
No need to tell I have a very good diet and I do a lot of cardio every week.
Another Questions :
Why nobody use taurine with their T3 cycle ?
After using test E, you should use a PCT. Why nobody mention the use of anti-oestrogens during their cycle of t3/test E ?
Can someone recommend a full cycle of T3
From the first day until the last day of PCT and all aas/products (included SERM/AI and other stuffs that must be took).