I know the general consensus is 1 oral per cycle is max for liver toxicity. My question is if I'm running Test, Deca , why could I not kick start on Tbol and finish with anavar? I realize these are two orals but tbol is more taxing on liver whereas anavar is more taxing on kidneys by the make up. With proper liver support and organ support could this not be a workable combo? Obviously there's a risk as with any chemical but since the two are primarily broken down in different organs would it still be frowned upon? For reference this would not be my 1st cycle it'd be my 4th and I've used all the compounds with the exception of tbol in the past. Goals would be a lean bulk which is why tbol as opposed to dbol and var at the end to cut a little extra in the last 6 weeks. Probably looking a 12 week cycle with 1st 6 with dbol and last 6 with the anavar.

Any input would be appreciated.