I haven't been on here in quite some time. I did a search for GLP-1 and nothing came up but I'm sure this has been discussed before. Was looking into this and seems really promising even for people into bodybuilding. Shows good prognosis for muscle building as well as fat loss but would be curious how it would impact being able to eat enough to grow. At this point in my life I'm not looking to get any bigger but thought about maybe adding it to my summer cut.
Also, trying to convince my girl to jump on it for a short time as she's gained quite a bit of weight over the past 2 years and she's kind of unwilling to get back to the gym. I obv. can't force her back to training but thought maybe if she took this she would get motivated to go back. Only concern is I don't want her relying on it as you obv. gain the weight back when/if you come off.