It's 2:00 am and i just woke up to the worst and most intense pain i've EVER felt in my life. It was pulsing across my whole **** body so it took me a minute to realize it was coming from my ****ing mouth!! I went and looked in the mirror, and something crazy happened to one of my back teeth in my sleep. I don't even know how to describe it except to say it hurts ****ing BAD!!!

As I'm taking a year off between college and (hopefully...assumign i get in) law school, I have no dental insurance. Are dentists going to want to see the cash before they'll do anything? I mean, this is a legit emergency. I looked in the mirror and it doesn't look pretty. I assume they'll just yank the thing and that's FINE by me, just get rid of this pain you bastards. I have no idea how much that'll cost, but I'll be even more pissed if i have to sit in line at the bank tomorrow to withdraw 900 bucks for the whole process. ****KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK.

Tell me someone knows how this whole dental scam's in the wee hours of the morning and i'm not going to call a friend and ask.